Sod Installation
Superior Sod Installation in Auburn Gresham, Chatham, Washington Park, and their surrounding areas.
What is included in our sod installation?
If you ask any homeowner in Chicago what part of their yard they take the most pride in, it usually will be that they want to have the thickest, greenest lawn in the neighborhood. We feel the same way about all the customers we serve in the Chicagoland area. Our knowledgeable team knows that Kentucky bluegrass is far superior to other grasses and will bring the best results to your home. Of course, you also can install Fine Fescue or Tall Fescue depending on the area you need to cover, but whichever you choose, we want to assure you that the results will surpass any visions you may have for a spectacular lawn.
What are the benefits of sod installation?
When you install and maintain sod properly, you will enhance the exterior of your home and add to its curb appeal. Nothing makes more of a statement with someone than walking up to your home and seeing a healthy green lawn. Naturally, you need to regularly water the lawn, so having an irrigation system is key to having a successful growing season. You also may want to install a drip irrigation system for your plants, as this will allow water to get directly to the base of the plants and give it a stronger root system. Once the sod is ready to be mowed, we provide premium lawn maintenance packages to keep your residential or commercial property looking its best.